aka "Titii"
Titi was Brigid's smallest whelp - under 1lb. She may be small in size, but her spirit is huge! Right from the beginning, she has been feisty, determined, and does not want for anything. She is personable, sweet, and very much like her grand-dam, Jadzia. Not so interested in showing, she is very keen to chase the bags at coursing! Always curious and affectionate, Titi is a pleasure to be around.
Titi is co-owned with Donna Tomson, Castlekeep Irish Wolfhounds.
Titi proved to be an excellent brood bitch, and is dam to Lausanne, Salzburg and Dessa.
Nefertiti - 4 years 6 months
Just about ready to have puppies!!
Nefertiti - 2 years
Nefertiti at 8.5 weeks of age
Titi at 18 weeks
Just a few days old :-)
Showing off her pearly whites!