CKC UKC CH Arahu Akhenaten
b. 03-14-2012
d. 05-03-2017
d. 05-03-2017
aka "Aten"
Aten is co-owned by and lives with our good friend, Donna Tomson (Castlekeep Irish Wolfhounds). Aten is a very sweet boy, who works well, and does what is asked of him. He loves his daily romps in the field, and enjoys playing/racing with his cousins. Aten is shaping up to be a versatile hound, showing interest in both the show ring and the field!
Aten 2 years
Aten at 17 months
Aten at 17 months
Aten at 8.5 weeks
Aten at IWCC 2012 - 1st 6-9 month Dog, Sweeps and Regular Classes